
Kicker – January ’24

Disaster Relief Society Update By Bill Holtby; Board Member North Shuswap Disaster Relief Society. (NSDRS) We are sure that our community is curious about how the wild fire relief donations channeled through the NSDRS from the Shuswap Community Foundation and the North Shuswap Community Hall Society Fire Relief Fund are being spent. With that in mind, our mission on the web site […]

Kicker – December ’23

It has been a very busy two weeks for the volunteers at the North Shuswap Disaster Recovery Society since the November issue of the kicker hit the stands. Our goal: help residents return to the North Shuswap.  The focus is on those needing power/water/sanitation to continue to live on their properties, repairing aspects of fire damaged property, those who lost […]

Disaster Relief Society Begins

October 15, 2023A group of North Shuswap residents has set up the North Shuswap Disaster Relief Society to help connect funds that have been donated to local charities and non-profits, to the people that need it most. The initial board of directors includes: All those who need a helping hand as a result of the fire are welcome to contact […]